Deep Bite

Deep Bite Treatments in Doncaster

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Deep Bites are best assessed early

This refers to a large overbite. The upper front teeth completely (or almost) overlap over the lower teeth. It often relates to square jaw pattern where the upper and lower front teeth are vertically positioned and over-erupt past one another. 
deep bite image

Possible Problems

A deep bite can result in the lower front teeth biting deep into gum tissue behind the upper incisors, damaging the gums and creating excessive wear the lower incisors. It can also affect facial aesthetics especially when the upper central incisors are vertical — making them “look long” and causing the upper lateral incisors flare forwards. 

Treatment Options

It is important that deep bites are assessed during the growing stage as correction of the deep bite by intruding the upper and or lower incisors requires growth. This may involve wearing a plate or bite splint during early treatment to improve the deep bite and prevent trauma to the gums and teeth. However, most will require full treatment with braces in the permanent dentition to adjust the inclination of the incisors apart from alignment.

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