Life With Braces

Learn About Life With Braces 

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Look Good, Go Out and Meet Friends With Braces

Be sure to pay attention to tooth cleaning and the foods listed here. 

How do I brush with braces?

Brush carefully into the gum line and between braces. We will teach you. Brush and floss thoroughly at least twice a day. Poor brushing can lead to “white spots” around the braces, tooth decay and gum disease.

Do braces hurt?

Your teeth feel “bumpy” just after your braces are put on. After a few days, your lips and mouth will get used to it and the bumpiness will go away. It is also normal to feel some tenderness on your teeth as your teeth are starting to move. If required, you can take your regular medication e.g., Panadol. Also, it is helpful to keep active!

What about sore spots (ulcers)?

Sore spots on cheeks and lips can form during the first few weeks following braces. If required, apply wax (provided) over the “pointy bit” of braces. Replace the wax daily. Rinse with salt water to keep the area clean. The sore spots should heal in a week. Once your lips and cheeks toughen up, sore spots should not occur.

What foods should I avoid?

  • STICKY–chewing gum, toffee
  • HARD–nuts, crackers, raw apples
  • SWEET–lollies, chocolate

Can my braces break?

Chewing hard food can result in breakage of your braces. If you have a breakage, please contact us to fix it. Self-help hints: If you have a sharp wire at the back of your mouth, you can use the rubber at the back of a pencil to bend it in or apply wax until you see us. As a last resort, a new nail clipper can be used to cut the wire off.

What are Elastics?

Elastics adjust your teeth to the ideal bite. If you are required to wear elastics, please wear them according to instructions. They are usually worn > 20 hours/day; not during eating.

When are my appointments?

Attending your adjustment appointments is very important to keep your treatment progressing well. They are normally every 4 – 6 weeks for conventional braces and 8 – 10 weeks for self-tightening braces.

Can I play wind instruments?

You can still play the flute or saxophone. However, your mouth and lips will have to adapt to the new feeling with braces. If your lips get sore, a “lip guard” can be placed over your braces when playing.

Can I play a contact sport with braces?

Yes, you can. A mouthguard is highly recommended to prevent injuries to your teeth, mouth and jaws. The mouthguard can be stock one (upper and lower) or custom-made to fit your braces.

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