Dental Spacing

Dental Spacing

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Consider the best options to deal with spacing

Spacing in the dental arch is the opposite of crowding. It can be a result of small teeth in relation to the dental arch or normal size teeth with a large dental arch or a combination of small teeth in a large dental arch. Small teeth can be of normal shape or abnormal shape, for example, peg upper lateral incisors. 

Another causes of spacing is soft-tissue related: I) A frenum attached low into the midline gum between upper front teeth II) large tongue and/or posture III) lower lip trapped behind upper incisors.
spacing issues

Possible Problems

The most common concern with gaps between upper front teeth is the negative impact on the smile. It can affect speech (lisping) due to spaces in the front or chewing due to spacing in the back teeth. 


There are many treatment options available depending on the cause of the spacing and personal wishes of the individual. The first step is to consider if the spaces are to be closed or opened with orthodontics so that the small teeth can be restoratively built up by your dentist. Slightly small upper lateral incisors are very common and can result in mild spacing in the upper incisor area. In many cases, the lower incisors teeth are slight narrowed by polishing, so that the upper incisors can be moved back and spaces closed. On the other hand, If the lateral incisors are very small, i.e. peg, then spaces should be prepared to accommodate restorative build ups (this can be composite resin, porcelain veneers etc.).

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